Sooty Saddlebags
Order: Odonata
- Suborder: Anisoptera (Dragonfly)
- - Family: Skimmers (Libellulidae)
- - - Genus: Tramea
- - - - Species: binotata
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Species to compare (enter common name)
Sooty Saddlebags, Mature male (same as above): detail of thorax, hindwing patch, and appendages. Papago Park, Phoenix, Maricopa, AZ, 3 November 2012.
Sooty Saddlebags, Immature male, Kearny Lake, Pinal, AZ, 11 October 2009. FOURTH US AND THIRD ARIZONA RECORD. Note dark underside of abdomen and black abdominal segments 8-10.
Sooty Saddlebags, Immature male (same as above), Kearny Lake, Pinal, AZ, 11 October 2009.
Sooty Saddlebags, Immature male (same as above), Kearny Lake, Pinal, AZ, 11 October 2009: Lateral view of appendages. Note long cerci and almost completely black abdominal segments 8-10.
Comparison: Red-saddled Saddlebags (four species)
Antillean SaddlebagsTramea insularis
Red SaddlebagsTramea onusta
Sooty SaddlebagsTramea binotata
Striped SaddlebagsTramea darwini