Western/Eastern Pondhawk Intermediates
Order: Odonata
- Suborder: Anisoptera (Dragonfly)
- - Family: Skimmers (Libellulidae)
- - - Genus: Erythemis
- - - - Species: collocata/simplicollis
Eastern Pondhawk has been recorded only a couple of times in Arizona. A few individuals show features that are intermediate between this species and Western Pondhawk, and may be hybrids between the two species. Two such individuals are shown here, but whether the two species actually interbreed remains debated.
Species to compare (enter common name)
Comparison: Eastern vs Intermediate vs Western Pondhawks
Eastern PondhawkErythemis simplicicollis
Western PondhawkErythemis collocata
Western/Eastern Pondhawk IntermediatesErythemis collocata/simplicollis