Boreal Bluet
Order: Odonata
- Suborder: Zygoptera (Damselfly)
- - Family: Pond Damsels: American Bluets
- - - Genus: Enallagma
- - - - Species: boreale
Distribution Map by counties from
Species to compare (enter common name)
Boreal Bluet, Male, Becker Lake, Apache, AZ, 25 June 2022
Boreal Bluet, Male, Green's Peak, Apache, AZ, 20 June 2009
Boreal Bluet, Male, Sunrise Lake, Apache, AZ, 25 June 2021
Boreal Bluet, Male, Crane Lake, Coconino, AZ, 22 June 2021
Boreal Bluet, Male appendages (lateral view), Sunrise Lake, Apache, AZ, 21 July 2019
Boreal Bluet, Female, Deer Lake, Coconino, AZ, 22 June 2021
Boreal Bluet, Female, Bog Tank, Apache, AZ, 26 June 2021
Boreal Bluet, Female, White Mountains, Apache, AZ, 21 June 2009
Boreal Bluet, Female, McNary Bog, Navajo, AZ, 20 July 2019
Boreal Bluet, Female, Sunrise Lake, Apache, AZ, 10 June 2023
Boreal Bluet, Pair in tandem, Sunrise Lake, Apache, AZ, 25 June 2021
Boreal Bluet, Pair in wheel, Lake Mary, Coconino, AZ, 1 September 2008
Boreal Bluet, Pair in wheel (male with parasitic water mites), Potato Lake, Coconino, AZ, 20 June 2011
Boreal Bluet, Pair in tandem with female ovipositing, Snow Flat (Mt. Graham), Graham, AZ, 21 June 2014
Comparison: Boreal vs Familiar vs Northern Bluet (male)
Boreal BluetEnallagma boreale
Familiar BluetEnallagma civile
Northern BluetEnallagma annexum