Hyacinth Glider
Order: Odonata
- Suborder: Anisoptera (Dragonfly)
- - Family: Skimmers (Libellulidae)
- - - Genus: Miathyria
- - - - Species: marcella
This species is not normally found in Arizona, with the closest known breeding populations in southern Sonora, Mexico, and in Texas. The glider is typically associated with floating vegetation- (water hyacinth and lettuce) covered ponds and lakes. On 4 April 2020 Paul Suchanek documented a male perched in a mesquite tree in a dry riparian wash between Tucson and Benson (Pima Co.). This observation provides the first state record of the species.
Species to compare (enter common name)
Hyacinth Glider, Male (posed), Sonora, Mexico, 13 August 2022
Hyacinth Glider, Male (posed), Isidoro Lane Resaca, southern TX, 7 June 2013
Hyacinth Glider, Male (posed), Nayarit, Mexico, 4 October 2009
Hyacinth Glider, Immature male, Loxahatchee Marsh, southern FL, 7 January 2015
Hyacinth Glider, Male, Nayarit, Mexico, 4 October 2009
Hyacinth Glider, Male, southern Sonora, Mexico, 12 August 2019
Hyacinth Glider, Female (posed), Gamboa, Panama, 7 July 2023
Hyacinth Glider, Female, Navojoa, Sonora, Mexico, 10 August 2009