Pima Dancer
Order: Odonata
- Suborder: Zygoptera (Damselfly)
- - Family: Pond Damsels: Dancers
- - - Genus: Argia
- - - - Species: pima
Distribution Map by counties from Southwestdragonflies.net
News About This Species
Identification Tips
Species to compare (enter common name)
Pima Dancer, Male, Wet Beaver Creek, Yavapai, AZ, 10 August 2020
Pima Dancer, Male, Wet Beaver Creek, Yavapai, AZ, 10 August 2020
Pima Dancer, Male, Muleshoe Ranch, Cochise, AZ, 7 August 2017
Pima Dancer, Male, Wet Beaver Creek, Yavapai, AZ, 10 August 2020
Pima Dancer, Male appendages (lateral view), Muleshoe Ranch, Cochise, AZ, 7 August 2017
Pima Dancer, Female in tandem, southern Sonora, Mexico, 6 August 2022
Pima Dancer, Female, Wet Beaver Creek, Yavapai, AZ, 19 August 2018
Pima Dancer, Female, Wet Beaver Creek, Yavapai, AZ, 19 August 2018
Pima Dancer, Female, Wet Beaver Creek, Yavapai, AZ, 10 August 2020
Pima Dancer, Andromorph female, Double R Canyon (Muleshoe Ranch), Cochise, AZ, 19 October 2013. Apparently the first record of an andromorphic female for this species.
Pima Dancer, Pair in tandem, southern Sonora, Mexico, 6 August 2022
Pima Dancer, Pair in tandem, southern Sonora, Mexico, 6 August 2018
Pima Dancer, Ovipositing female, southern Sonora, Mexico, 6 August 2022
Comparison: Dancers (Argia): Male appendages
Amethyst DancerArgia pallens
Apache DancerArgia munda
Aztec DancerArgia nahuana
Blue-fronted DancerArgia apicalis
Blue-ringed DancerArgia sedula
California DancerArgia agrioides
Cerulean DancerArgia anceps
Dusky DancerArgia translata
Fiery-eyed DancerArgia oenea
Harkness's DancerArgia harknessi
Kiowa DancerArgia immunda
Lavender DancerArgia hinei
Oculate DancerArgia oculata
Paiute DancerArgia alberta
Pima DancerArgia pima
Powdered DancerArgia moesta
Sabino DancerArgia sabino
Sierra Madre DancerArgia lacrimans
Sooty DancerArgia lugens
Spine-tipped DancerArgia extranea
Springwater DancerArgia funebris
Tarascan DancerArgia tarascana
Tezpi DancerArgia tezpi
Tonto DancerArgia tonto
Variable DancerArgia fumipennis
Vivid DancerArgia vivida
Yaqui DancerArgia carlcooki