Eastern Ringtail
Order: Odonata
- Suborder: Anisoptera (Dragonfly)
- - Family: Clubtails (Gomphidae)
- - - Genus: Erpetogomphus
- - - - Species: designatus
Note: The species in Arizona is known from a single old report consisting of two specimens collected in September 1954 at Coon Bluff along the Salt River east of Phoenix, Maricopa Co. (Bailowitz, pers. comm.).
Distribution Map by counties from Southwestdragonflies.net
Species to compare (enter common name)
Eastern Ringtail, Male, Warren Ferry Landing, Virginia, 11 June 2017
Eastern Ringtail, Male, Warren Ferry Landing, Virginia, 11 June 2017
Eastern Ringtail, Male, James River, Virginia, 8 June 2017
Eastern Ringtail, Female, James River, Virginia, 8 June 2017
Eastern Ringtail, Female, Warren Ferry Landing, Virginia, 11 June 2017
Eastern Ringtail, Female, Warren Ferry Landing, Virginia, 11 June 2017
Eastern Ringtail, Female, Warren Ferry Landing, Virginia, 11 June 2017