Pacific Spiketail
Order: Odonata
- Suborder: Anisoptera (Dragonfly)
- - Family: Spiketails (Cordulegastridae)
- - - Genus: Cordulegaster
- - - - Species: dorsalis
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News About This Species
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Pacific Spiketail, Male, N. Fork of White River, Apache, AZ, 4 July 2016
Pacific Spiketail, Male (posed), W. Fork of Little Colorado River, Greer, Apache, AZ, 17 July 2016
Pacific Spiketail, Male (posed), Creek near Hawley Lake, Apache, AZ, 5 August 2012
Pacific Spiketail, Male (same as above), Creek near Hawley Lake, Apache, AZ, 5 August 2012
Pacific Spiketail, Male (same as above), Creek near Hawley Lake, Apache, AZ, 5 August 2012
Pacific Spiketail, Male (same as above), Creek near Hawley Lake, Apache, AZ, 5 August 2012
Pacific Spiketail, Male (same as above), Creek near Hawley Lake, Apache, AZ, 5 August 2012