Sooty Saddlebags, Tramea binotata, in Pinal Co.: Third Arizona record

October 11, 2009
Species: Sooty Saddlebags
Location: Kearny Lake

The Sooty Saddlebags is a tropical species normally found in central and South America as well as in the Caribbean islands (e.g., Meurgey 2007: Argia 19/3, 11-13). In the United States it is a vagrant with three previous records: Florida (1 record) and Arizona (2 records: Kearny Lake, Nov. 2005: Bailowitz, personal comm.; Roper Lake, Graham Co., Sept. 2009: Bailowitz and Danforth 2009: Argia 24/3, 28).

On 11 October 2009 an immature male of this species was found at Kearny Lake, Pinal Co., AZ - see pictures below. Note similarities and differences with the mature Antillean Saddlebags, Tramea insularis - see for details. This observation documents the fourth record of Sooty Saddlebags for the country and the third for Arizona.

  • News: Sooty Saddlebags, <em>Tramea binotata</em>, in Pinal Co.:  Third Arizona record
    Sooty Saddlebags, Immature male, Kearny Lake, Pinal, AZ, 11 October 2009
  • News: Sooty Saddlebags, <em>Tramea binotata</em>, in Pinal Co.:  Third Arizona record
    Sooty Saddlebags, Immature male, Kearny Lake, Pinal, AZ, 11 October 2009
  • News: Sooty Saddlebags, <em>Tramea binotata</em>, in Pinal Co.:  Third Arizona record
    Sooty Saddlebags, Immature male, Kearny Lake, Pinal, AZ, 11 October 2009: Lateral view of terminal abdominal segments and appendages

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