Four species of red-saddled Trameas have been recorded in Arizona: Red (common), Striped (uncommon), Sooty (vagrant), and Antillean Saddlebags (rare). Note that coloration in the Sooty Saddlebags changes with age: Mature individuals are completely dark whereas immature individuals are mostly red. This section, therefore, applies only to immature individuals of the species.
The Red Saddlebags has a large red saddle with irregular margins on the hind wings. By contrast, the hind wings of the Striped, Antillean, and immature Sooty Saddlebags have a narrow brown-reddish saddle with smooth edges.
To separate Striped, Antillean, and immature Sooty Saddlebags, focus on the coloration of the thorax and the tip of the abdomen, and on the length of the cerci.