Jewel of the Creek Preserve
Latitude: 33.883981668100
Longitude: -111.955002000000
Longitude: -111.955002000000
Maricopa County
Also known as Spur Cross.
Jewel of the Creek Preserve
Jewel of the Creek Preserve
Species Found Here
Hetaerina americana
Argia pallens
Enallagma praevarum
Argia nahuana
Tramea lacerata
Dythemis nigrescens
Pachydiplax longipennis
Rhionaeschna multicolor
Argia sedula
Argia agrioides
Hetaerina vulnerata
Ischnura hastata
Libellula comanche
Anax junius
Plathemis lydia
Telebasis salva
Plathemis subornata
Argia translata
Enallagma civile
Argia oenea
Pseudoleon superbus
Libellula saturata
Anax walsinghami
Progomphus borealis
Archilestes grandis
Argia immunda
Argia hinei
Remartinia luteipennis
Perithemis intensa
Ischnura demorsa
Libellula croceipennis
Ischnura cervula
Hesperagrion heterodoxum
Brechmorhoga mendax
Ischnura damula
Erythrodiplax basifusca
Ischnura ramburii
Paltothemis lineatipes
Tramea onusta
Orthemis ferruginea
Erpetogomphus lampropeltis natrix
Argia lugens
Pantala hymenaea
Argia funebris
Macrothemis inacuta
Rhionaeschna psilus
Libellula pulchella
Argia fumipennis
Sympetrum corruptum
Erythemis collocata
Erpetogomphus compositus
News From This Location
March 15, 2015
November 9, 2014
March 16, 2013
December 9, 2012
December 9, 2012
March 24, 2012
March 4, 2012
March 4, 2012
March 3, 2012
December 31, 2011
November 26, 2011
November 20, 2010
October 24, 2010