San Ignacio Golf Estates - Green Valley
Latitude: 31.807397200000
Longitude: -111.013955600000
Longitude: -111.013955600000
Pima County
NOTE: This is a private golf course. Do not cross the golf course to reach the pond, but rather park along I-19 Frontage Road (N 310 48' 17.57"; W 1110 00' 52.44") and walk from there. Do not carry a net while visiting the pond. Limit your activities to the East side of the pond.
Species Found Here
Hetaerina americana
Argia pallens
Tramea insularis
Enallagma praevarum
Tramea lacerata
Pachydiplax longipennis
Rhionaeschna multicolor
Argia sedula
Archilestes californicus
Dythemis fugax
Ischnura hastata
Enallagma semicirculare
Anax junius
Telebasis salva
Enallagma basidens
Erythemis simplicicollis
Enallagma civile
Pseudoleon superbus
Libellula saturata
Brachymesia gravida
Erythemis vesiculosa
Perithemis intensa
Ischnura demorsa
Aphylla protracta
Ischnura cervula
Erythrodiplax basifusca
Lestes alacer
Ischnura ramburii
Tramea onusta
Brachymesia furcata
Orthemis ferruginea
Micrathyria aequalis
Pantala hymenaea
Tramea darwini
Argia fumipennis
Sympetrum corruptum
Pantala flavescens
Erythemis collocata
Libellula luctuosa