Neotropical Bluet, Enallagma novaehispaniae, in Pinal Co.: 5th state record

November 12, 2016
Location: Kelvin Bridge

The Neotropical Bluet was not discovered in Arizona until 2010 ( and had until now been found at four locations in the state - most recently in Queen Valley in Pinal Co. (November 2016: On 12 November 2016 a male was observed along the Gila River at Kelvin Bridge, Pinal Co. - see photos below. This record documents a fifth location for this species in Arizona.

  • News: Neotropical Bluet, <em>Enallagma novaehispaniae</em>, in Pinal Co.: 5th state record
    Neotropical Bluet, Male, Kelvin Bridge, Pinal, AZ, 13 November 2016
  • News: Neotropical Bluet, <em>Enallagma novaehispaniae</em>, in Pinal Co.: 5th state record
    Neotropical Bluet, Male, Kelvin Bridge, Pinal, AZ, 13 November 2016

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