Claw-tipped Bluet, Enallagma semicirculare, in northern Pinal County, AZ: Northernmost state record of species
May 11, 2016
Species: Claw-tipped Bluet
Location: Oak Flat Mine Pond
In the US, the Claw-tipped Bluet is largely confined to Arizona and within the state, is found mostly at locations in the southermost counties (Bailowitz et al., 2015). On 7 May 2016 one male was found by Justin Jones at Kelvin Bridge and this observation represented the northernmost state record for this species. Further extending the northern range limit of the bluet, three males were found on 11 May 2016 at Oak Flat Mine Pond (1216 m.a.s.l.), which is situated 22.5 km north of Kelvin Bridge. This is the northernmost location where the species has been found to date in Arizona.
Claw-tipped Bluet, Male, Oak Flat Mine Pond, Pinal, AZ, 11 May 2016
Claw-tipped Bluet, Male, Oak Flat Mine Pond, Pinal, AZ, 11 May 2016
Appendages of male Claw-tipped Bluet, Oak Flat Mine Pond, Pinal, AZ, 11 May 2016. The shape and size of male appendages in this species are distinctive and can be easily seen through binoculars.