Carmine Skimmer, Orthemis discolor, in Maricopa Co., AZ: Fifth state record.
November 23, 2016
Species: Carmine Skimmer
Location: Tres Rios Wetlands
Contrary to its congener, the Roseate Skimmer, Orthemis ferruginea, which is widespread and can be common, the Carmine Skimmer in Arizona is quite rare, with only four previous records. A male of this species was discovered at the Tres Rios Wetlands, Maricopa Co., on 13 November 2016. This observation, therefore, represents the 5th state record of this species. It also documents the second northernmost record of the skimmer in Arizona.
The skimmer continued at the same location until 23 November 2016 (photo below), thereby providing a new late flying date for the species in Arizona.