Early Arroyo Bluet, Enallagma praevarum, in Maricopa Co., AZ

The earliest date of the year that the Arroyo Bluet has been recorded in Arizona is 17 January (2009; Richard Bailowitz, pers. comm.). A male of this species, shown below, was found on the same calendar date in 2015 at the Rio Salado Habitat Restoration Area (Phoenix, Maricopa Co., AZ).

Turquoise-tipped Darner, Rhionaeschna psilus, in Maricopa Co., AZ: new late flying date for the state

The Turquoise-tipped Darner had not been found in Maricopa Co., AZ, until early December 2014, when one male was discovered at the Rio Salado Habitat Restoration Area. Later that month up to four males were observed at this site on a same day (P. Deviche and J. Jones, pers. observations).

One male (shown below) continued until at least 30 December, providing a new late flying date for the species in the state.

Turquoise-tipped Darner, Rhionaeschna psilus, in Maricopa Co., AZ: new county record

The Turquoise-tipped Darner in Arizona is a rare species that is for the most part found in the southeast region of the state.

On 7 December 2014 Justin Jones found a male darner at the Phoenix Rio Salado Habitat Restoration Area - see pictures below. This record is the first of the species in Maricopa Co., and the location is the northernmost where the darner has been observed to date in Arizona.

Kiowa Dancer, Argia immunda, at Tres Rios Wetlands, Maricopa Co., AZ.

The Kiowa Dancer in Arizona is common but locally distributed, and found mostly in the Southeast third of the state. This dancer had never been observed in Maricopa Co. until 2010, but has now been recorded at six county locations, suggesting rapid range expansion.

On 30 November 2014 15 individuals (photos below) were seen at Tres Rios Wetlands. This constitutes the largest number of individuals found to date at one location and at the same time in Maricopa Co.

Blue Dasher, Pachydiplax longipennis, in Maricopa Co., AZ: new late flying date for the Southwest US

The Blue Dasher is one of the most common and widespread dragonfly species in the Southwest United States. In this region this dasher had until now not been observed later than 25 November (2006, AZ). On 10 December 2014 four individuals were found at the Rio Salado Habitat Restoration Area in Phoenix, Maricopa, AZ (photos below), thereby extending the flight season of the species by two weeks.


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