More "low elevation" Canyon Rubyspots, Hetaerina vulnerata, Pinal Co.

November 7, 2010
Species: Canyon Rubyspot

Canyon Rubyspots, Hetaerina vulnerata, in Arizona are usually found along wooded canyon streams (Paulson 2009) and at elevations above 850 m (Bailowitz, personal communication). Several individuals were, however, recently observed at Spur Cross Conservation Area, Maricopa (elevation: 680 m; see 24 Oct. 2010 News item), the lowest elevation to date at which the species has been recorded in the state.

On 7 November 2010, at least three mature males were seen flying along Queen Creek at Apache Tears, Pinal (elevation: 767 m), thus indicating another location where the species is present at lower elevation than usual.

  • News: More "low elevation" Canyon Rubyspots, <em>Hetaerina vulnerata</em>, Pinal Co.
    Canyon Rubyspot, Male, Queen Creek at Apache Tears, Pinal, AZ, 7 November 2010

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